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    Heritage Attractions in Tourism Industry

    University: UKCBC COLLEGE

    • Unit No: 19
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 8 / Words 2053
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: L/601/1757
    • Downloads: 1292
    Question :

    Cultural heritage tourism can be defined as the travel to experience the artefacts, places and activities which represent the people and their stories authentically. This project is based on Spain and Venice. This unit includes following points-

    • To understand the growth and development of heritage industry.
    • Purpose of heritage attractions in tourism industry.
    • Roles and responsibility of company in cultural industry.
    • The roles of the methods used in interpretation in heritage industry.
    Answer :


    Heritage and cultural industry plays an important role in tourism industry. The main aim of this report is to understand the importance of heritage and cultural industry. The report deals with different scenario and it helps to analyze the growth and development of heritage and cultural industry. The report also presents the potential conflicts in the conversation by using case Barcelona (Spain) and Venice (Italy). The report also helps to understand the purpose of heritage and cultural attractions in meeting the need of different types of customers and it mainly focuses on customer’s needs such as research, education and entertainment, etc. Further it evaluates the impact of different types of ownership as well as presents the roles or responsibilities of organization in the heritage and cultural industry. The report also describes different methods and media used for the interpretation within cultural industry for tourists.

    TASK 1

    1.1 Presenting the potential conflicts in the conservation of heritage and cultural industry using the case Barcelona (Spain) and Venice (Italy)

    Heritage and cultural industry plays an important role in tourism sector but there are variety of cases which creates a negative impact on the people. The most popular case which creates potential conflict related to the conservation of heritage industry where Spain thinks about the development of the city and wants to increase its heritage industry so that it will help to attract wide number of tourist. The main reason of occurring this conflict is that growth of capital is not only a reason of admiration of cultural richness. Barcelona and Venice have a conflict related to conservation of heritage and cultural industry. As they both wanted to preserve the whole heritage system but the main conflict arises related to the conservation such as erosion which creates a huge impact on the visitors and as a result the ratio of tourist decline as compares to past. Both the country have their own heritage and cultures which makes it different form other nation. Italy wants to introduce the use of new technologies in order to attract more number of customers but in the same time Spain mainly focus on the revenue generation which creates a big conflicts between both of them.

    Another biggest issue between both of them is related to capital and planning & land use and the conflicts leads to dividation of brown field verses green field sites which results of decrease in the number of tourist and further it affect the growth economy of both the country. The sudden management change also creates a negative impact on the environment. Barcelona mainly focus on capital cost while Venice uses its heritage and cultural industry as a revenue generation which is not accepted by the government. Public ownership heritage organization are not used for the revenue generation as they help to create awareness among people. Another conflict between both of them is related to training and up skilled of their staff. The main reason of this potential conflict is related to the conservation of the various heritage and cultural industry. Another potential conflict is the brown field site and green field sites where brown field sites related to urban areas and green field sites related to the rural areas. Government also imposed further growth related to conservation threats and as a result it affect the tourism sectors.

    TASK 2

    2.1 Presenting how heritage and cultural attractions meet the demand of different customers

    Different heritage and cultural attraction points have different purposes in tourism sector because they help to increase the learning and knowledge of different age group people. In UK, there are various types of cultural points that help to meet the demand of children, students as well as teachers. In context of heritage and cultural attraction points, museum is the best place and liked by people because it is the collection of ancient arts, sculptures and artifacts, etc. British Museum in London was made in 18th century and it is one of the finest collection of government (Mitchell and Shannon, 2018). British Museum is not only for the inspection and entertainment but it is made for general use and benefits of the public. There is no entry fees for the public and it contains more than 4,000,000 objects in it which makes its world's largest museum. Mainly, research scholars, families, students and foreign people are the main visitors of museum. This public institution mainly dedicated to human history and art as well as culture. That is why, it is mostly preferred by people. The main purpose of this British Museum is to increase the awareness of visitors about the development of technologies in different fields of arts or science. This heritage industry also helps research scholars in their research projects and meet demand of scholars. Heritage and cultural industry increases the level of visitors and raise their profit as well. As the main aim of heritage industry to generate more income and links with tourism and urban regeneration.

    Royal Museum is considered to be another most important heritage industry and it is consider in top 10 UK visitor attraction. This museum comprises of four museums which are National Maritime Museum, Queen's House, Royal Observatory, Greenwich and Cutty Sark. The main purpose of this museum is to create awareness about heritage industry and generate more income (Esfehani and Albrecht, 2018). The important visitors of this museum and children, families and student. This museum is mainly used for entertainment purpose and generally, people visit this place in order to know about ancient history and learn about different cultures or traditions. Main purpose of this museum is to enhance the knowledge of people related to different nations about various types of customs and culture of UK. Royal Museum tells the importance of sea, ship, time and stars and their relationship with the people. Royal observatory museum consists of many instruments which are used to make meridian observation and this is used in astronomical and navigational purpose. This is the reason it is mostly preferred by students and it is used in education purpose. It also helps to connect different regions of people from all over the world and educate them about the ancient culture, arts and introduce them with old designs which are in the Royal Museum.

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    TASK 3

    3.1 Presenting different media and methods used in the interpretation within the heritage and cultural industry

    Interpretation is a necessary parameter that help to understand the importance of those heritage in the tourism sectors. As interpretation is must because it help to increase the profitability and enhance the share of market with the help of people's satisfaction. But interpretation should be thematic which help to satisfy different needs of people. There are different heritage in UK such as British Museum, National Maritime Museum and Queen's House (Timothy, 2018.). To create awareness about those heritage it is necessary to communicate well to the people and there are different media is used in order to let them understand that why there is need to visit those places. Different media are mention below-

    Before visiting British Museum, National Maritime Museum and Queen's House, different short time movies should be shown to the people as to attract people towards those destination. Audio- Visual media is an effective interpretation which help to identify the visitor's views about those places. By watching different short movies and listening their histories will increase the curiosity among people to visit those place at least for a once. An effective interpretation will definitely help to attract wide number of visitors and make a trip successful in future. Beside this media option, audio and other sensory techniques are also help to attract variety of people (Markwick, 2018). By using this tool, management promote the destination and must provide different potential sights which help to create awareness and develop curiosity among people to visit that place. Sometimes it is also found that this option did not help to convey the exact message regarding the place but still counted one of the most common media option.

    Another media is published material i.e. books, brochures and magazines can be considered a good method to let them encourage to visit those places. In the context of British Museum, there are lot of books are published which help to gain more information related to places (Su, Bramwell and Whalley, 2018). Books are the best method to know something about the places because it consist history as well as present which no other media can provide. Social media is also another media option available in order to attract different variety of peoples but sometimes it has been analyses that this will creates negative impact on the visitors. Apart form this, interactive technologies can be used for best interpretation of British Museum, National Maritime Museum and Queen's House as this help to gain more attention of the peoples.

    Different types of roles and drama should be conducted in order to attract people to visit. It is also consider the best effective media that help in better communication between people and management. During the visit, management can conduct drama plays which help to provide best experience to the visitors and even it attract other tourist also. However it has been critically evaluated that this media option did not provide enough information about the related topics but help to create good communication between all the visitors. As this media help to develop good relationship between all the peoples and creates good understanding among all, even this different media provide complete information & encourages people to visit the place again. A survey can be conduct after completing whole tour because it will help to identify the views of visitors (Interpretation of media in heritage and cultural industry, 2018). Survey is the best form which help to taking feedback from the places and in order to maintain loyalty and trust, books and brochures must be provided that creates satisfaction among people.

    As, it is proved that different media options will help to meet the demand or need of audience and even an effective interpretation will definitely help to attract wide range of tourist. Even other than media, language must be used in order to gain the attention of different people and combination of different interpretation media will help to achieve appropriate effects. A good process of communication and method of different media will help to gain a lot of information related to selected destination such as British Museum, National Maritime Museum and Queen's House.

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    By summing up above report, it has been concluded that heritage and cultural industry has great impact on the tourism sector. The report focus the importance of this industry in different case scenario and concluded that it plays a major role and even help in the economy of the UK. It present the growth and development of heritage & cultural industry and present the conflicts in the conservation of heritage and cultural industry by considering the case of Barcelona and Venice. The report also concluded that heritage and cultural attraction places help in meeting all the needs of all the people. It present different ownership such as public and private ownership which have their own roles and responsibilities. It has been concluded that private organization perform help to entertain peoples while public organization promote or conserve different heritage industry such as park, museum etc. the report also concluded that different media and methods are used for the interpretation and help to attract more number of tourist.

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